Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We stayed in Ohio for Thanksgiving. We had Thanksgiving dinner with the other basketball coaches. Here are a few pictures from our day.

John Thomas' Thanksgiving dinner, he didn't eat any of it. For Thanksgiving he ate only cantaloupe.

Our family at Thanksgiving Dinner, minus Little Tommy (who we missed!).
 Mommy, Daddy, John Thomas and baby Francis in Mommy's belly.

First night in Christmas pj's.

The picture I put on Facebook Thanksgiving day to let everyone know JT was going to be a big brother on May 12. Baby Francis was 15weeks and 4 days old and John Thomas is almost 22 months old.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Feeling Better

I am so thankful I have started feeling like myself again! It is amazing how you wake up one morning and think I should be nauseous but I'm not. You get out of bed still feel ok and just like that your back to yourself :) It happened at 12.5 weeks with this pregnancy. I wasn't prepared to feel good again so fast, with John Thomas I was sick until week 17 so I was prepared to be sick that long again. So so thankful I'm not! Another major difference in my pregnancy is how fast I am showing. I have been asked if I was having twins and also if I was having triplets! I was with John Thomas at the park when I was almost 11 weeks and a little girl asked me if I had a baby in my belly. Crazy! I remember I was 5 months pregnant before I had anyone tell me I looked pregnant with JT.

10 weeks

12 weeks

By the way - I have had an ultra sound and there is only one baby :)


This is the first year we took John Thomas trick-or-treating. Last year he was 10 months old so I dressed him up on Halloween and took him everywhere in his costume :) and he answered the door with me in his costume.

Dinosaur 2011

Puppy Dog 2012
My puppy dog did not like his head!

 Halloween party at the gym childcare

Happy that he got the head off :)

Halloween night was cold here!!! Temperature was in the low 30's, raining and windy. We had a low turnout on trick-or-treaters and lots of left over candy (we donated most of it). Trick-or-treating was held on a Tuesday night here and Wednesday night (actual Halloween) we took John Thomas to a large indoor shopping center that was holding indoor trick-or-treating. I think everyone decided to do indoor trick-or-treating since the weather was so bad. This place was packed!!! Most stores ran out of candy because of such a high turnout. We got JT popcorn from one store then took him to a friends house to trick-or-treat. Fun night for my little man.