Sunday, October 12, 2014

Four Months


I can’t believe Maxwell is already 4 months old! He’s definitely not my little newborn baby anymore.  At his 4 month check up he weighed 17.9ounces (in the 80%) and was 27 inches long (well above the 100%) I find it so interesting because John Thomas was always around the 50% in both areas. I nursed John Thomas and am nursing Maxwell but they are growing so differently. It amazes me how God designs the body.

Maxwell developed reflux a week or so before he turned 4 months old. Tommy was gone the week it really got back (him refusing to nurse, projectile spit up, not sleeping etc) which made it a really tough week.  Thankfully he is on medicine now so he is nursing again and his sleeping is getting better. He started rice cereal last week which I was praying would help with his sleep but he is still waking up every 2-3.5 hours. I am praying he starts sleeping better soon!!

Maxwell is a happy baby. He always wakes up happy! (another thing different from John Thomas) He loves to be held but likes his bouncy seat too. He smiles all the time and in the past two weeks has started laughing more and more. He started rolling over around 3 months and has great head control. Tummy time doesn’t really bother him.  He loves to hear his name, play with his feet and suck his two middle fingers. Tommy doesn’t like pacifiers and didn’t want any of his boys to have one so Maxwell has resorted to his two middle fingers. I sucked my two middle fingers forever too and for some reason it makes me extremely proud he does too :) 

John Thomas is amazing with Maxwell! So so sweet. He always kisses him, tells him he loves him and plays with him. It makes me so happy. John Thomas has asked several times if Maxwell can go to school with him . So sweet.  I love seeing their relationship develop. My sisters are a huge part of my life and we are very close, I pray the same for my boys. I feel very blessed and love being a boys mom!


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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

K3 Preschool


John Thomas has started back to school and loves it. He was so ready to go back, asked several times this summer when he could go back to school. I hope he keeps his enthusiasm for school for several years to come! He is attending Christ the King, same as last year, and has several of his same friends in his class. He will also be starting Spanish lunch bunch next week, where kids stay one hour after school eat lunch together and learn Spanish. Excited to watch him grow and learn!

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John Thomas and his teacher, Mrs Swearingen


  I asked John Thomas the same questions as I did last year with one added

1. Favorite color – purple (his favorite color changes every couple weeks)

2. Favorite cartoon – bubble guppies

3. Best friend – Cole, Sammy, Jack, Whitney

4. Favorite animal - dog

5. Favorite food – watermelon and ice cream

6. What do you want to be when you grow up – Mickey Mouse

Saturday, September 13, 2014

end of summer festivals


I have found there is so much to do in Dayton with kids. John Thomas loved the free summer camp through the park system this summer, the rec center offers great programs, multiple festivals every weekend, toddler story time at the library and I’m sure there is other stuff we did not make it to but we loved all the activities we did.

John Thomas mastered riding his bike this summer

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Baby brother having fun at the festival too


Brothers bath time

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Kids Festival – everything was free! and the police dept was there fitting all kids for a free bike helmet. so nice!

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Alter Fest

John Thomas and Daddy went Friday night then Maxwell and I joined on Saturday



Such a big boy! He has no fear. Loves all the rides and wants to do them all by himself



These are the moments I want to remember


Friday, September 5, 2014

End of Summer


The most amazing thing happened this summer – Maxwell joined our family, which shaped the rest of the summer. This summer was filled with a lot of nursing and juggling two kids. Not many pool trips or any vacations but I am so grateful for my summer. Thankfully John Thomas being able to go to camps helped both of us and I believe he had a lot of fun. This last month Tommy has been home on the weekends which is SO NICE!! It is so nice to have help and enjoy everything together.

We made a trip to the children’s museum with John Thomas’ friend Cole. These two have so much fun together. I bought a family pass because it will be perfect for the winter months. We had so much fun with Cole we went back with Daddy a couple days later.

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The fire department host a big ice cream social every year. There was so much for JT to do but I think his favorite was jumping in the puddles they made with the fire hose and eating ice cream. Simple joys, I love being reminded of the small things that bring so much happiness

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How cute is this kid?! Wearing his Excuse me I just burpeed onsie, athlete in the making:)


Painting pottery. His picked his favorite animal- a dinosaur and painted him his favorite color - orange

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John Thomas and I love America Ninja Warrior so every time we go to the playground he makes an obstacle course, another athlete in the making:)


Maxwell’s two month check up, big brother making sure everything is ok

13lbs (78%)   23 1/2inches (75%)

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My big healthy boy

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A typical morning at our house:)


023 038 070 I absolutely love this face so much! So thankful for my two boys!!