Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dinosaurs and Sunflowers

John Thomas loves Dinosaurs (and dragons)! We took him to see Discover the Dinosaurs last weekend and he is still asking to go back to see the dinosaurs.

2013-09-15 11.32.30For some reason John Thomas believes dinosaurs will bite your finger. This is the first dinosaur we saw so he was seeing if he would bite his finger.

Dinosaur biting Daddy’s finger too.2013-09-15 11.43.45 

Uncovering dinosaur bones.2013-09-15 11.45.42

Looking at this picture made me wonder, when did my baby get so big?  I know he is a toddler but how are his legs hanging half way down my body?!

2013-09-15 11.48.12


Riding the dinosaur 

2013-09-15 12.03.44  2013-09-15 12.42.42 2013-09-15 12.44.43 

From dinosaurs to sunflowers……

There is a big field of sunflowers close to our house. I took JT and Kennedy out to the field to get a few pictures and let them run around. While we were there I saw several pictures being made, newborn, homecoming pictures and I’m guessing Christmas cards because little kids were in dresses and button ups. I did not plan that well, we were just there to play and use my iphone camera

2013-09-20 12.15.11

2013-09-20 12.08.22 2013-09-20 12.08.35 2013-09-20 12.10.16 2013-09-20 12.15.27 2013-09-20 12.15.40 2013-09-20 12.17.09-1

My attempt to get a good picture. John Thomas, smile and say cheese.2013-09-20 12.17.34


Ok, this time look up and say cheese

2013-09-20 12.17.37

haha, love this little boy!

of course, John Thomas found this rock pile next to the huge field of flowers and was more interested in it.

2013-09-20 12.12.40

Monday, September 16, 2013

This and That of Summer

I have random pictures from this summer I wanted to include in my blog from this summer. This summer has been great. John Thomas is at such a fun, easy age. He is talking basically in complete sentences, he can help out (get his milk out the fridge, climb in his car seat by himself, etc) and his personality is shinning through. He makes Tommy and I laugh everyday.  He is also very independent so some stuff does take a little longer allowing him to do it by himself, I also know it is important to let him. John Thomas is such a blessing to Tommy and I. We are praying God will bless us with more little kids soon. Until then this man gets all our attention :)

2013-07-08 14.04.05 2013-07-13 20.00.40 2013-07-15 20.32.24 2013-07-15 20.32.42 2013-07-15 20.33.17 2013-07-15 21.28.33 2013-07-18 19.58.26 2013-07-22 20.52.02 2013-07-23 19.42.34 2013-07-23 19.43.02


I love this picture! 2013-07-23 19.44.19-1 2013-07-23 19.45.41 2013-07-31 20.01.09 2013-08-03 13.36.44Our good friends, Brett, Jamie and Eli, moved from Iowa to about two from us this summer. The last time the boys were together they were about 4months old (JT) and 10months old (Eli). We are so excited to have them closer!!

The boys exploring the police station.

2013-08-03 13.37.49 2013-08-03 13.41.03 2013-08-03 14.03.42The boys got to watch the helicopter land and sit in it  2013-08-03 14.24.18 

JT’s favorite babysitter, Alyssa.2013-08-25 16.19.42


JT and his friend, Cole. We took the boys to the water park, unfortunately we do not have any pictures because we were in the water the whole time :) 

2013-08-28 14.18.41


Kennedy and I got some one on one time :)

Long walk through the woods, good for the soul

2013-08-31 10.46.39


JT likes to take showers, like mommy and daddy,

but he still usually wants to finish with a bath too.2013-09-03 20.08.33

2013-09-03 20.08.42

Playground with Cole 2013-09-04 12.09.32

2013-09-07 15.33.42JT gets the say cheese (with a raisin in his mouth) part just not look at the camera part. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In Alabama we referred to it as Mom’s Morning Out but in Ohio it is called Preschool. John Thomas goes two mornings a week from 9:00-11:30 to preschool. He loves it! He is such a social little guy anyway so he gets excited to go play with his friends. I love him having a couple hours of structured activities too. And of course it is nice that I have a little bit of free time to run errands or meet up with friends for coffee :)

Showing off his new backpack

2013-09-07 17.09.04 2013-09-07 19.12.40

2013-09-07 19.12.37

All the kids got to bring a stuff animal with them their first week of school. JT picked his monkey with a fishing pole.

2013-09-09 08.53.41

 Walking my baby to school2013-09-09 08.54.32-2I’m excited to watch him learn and grow this year.


Preschool Interview Questions by Mommy

JT- what is your favorite color? Blue

JT- what is favorite cartoon? Mickey Mouse

JT- who is your best friend? Mommy :)))

JT- what is your favorite animal? Really big Dinosaur

JT- what is your favorite food? Watermelon

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cedar Point

We crammed everything we could into the last bit of summer and Little Tommy’s time with us.  After a couple days home from the beach we decided to take a long weekend to Cedar Point, an amusement park. We had a great time!! The park is set up great for families with different area throughout the park with little kids rides so we could be close to the big kids rides. Cedar Point always gives parent pass so after one parent waits in line, rides the ride the other parent gets to hop to the front of the line. I was able to watch John Thomas ride rides while the boys waited in line then Little Tommy was able to jump back in front of the line with me and ride again. We also stayed on the property so we were allowed in the park an hour early. We hit up the big rollar coaster without long lines and the second night even  closed the park down. JT was a trooper!


2013-08-16 17.19.232013-08-16 18.06.56 2013-08-16 18.26.13 2013-08-16 18.32.00 2013-08-16 18.32.30 2013-08-16 19.16.06 2013-08-16 19.22.08 

You can barely see JT’s head beside Tommy. He was such a daredevil!2013-08-17 10.56.32 

2013-08-17 19.33.23

Fastest Rollar Coster in the country. 0-120mph in 4 seconds! And yes we all rode it :)2013-08-17 19.38.39 2013-08-17 20.05.58 2013-08-17 20.21.37 2013-08-17 20.46.11 JT is the skylift, he did not want me sitting beside him.2013-08-17 20.46.52 

So pretty2013-08-17 20.47.03

JT making phone calls. He looks so grown up here2013-08-18 09.56.33

This was the view while waiting in line for the rides. Perfect!2013-08-17 11.45.20