I have random pictures from this summer I wanted to include in my blog from this summer. This summer has been great. John Thomas is at such a fun, easy age. He is talking basically in complete sentences, he can help out (get his milk out the fridge, climb in his car seat by himself, etc) and his personality is shinning through. He makes Tommy and I laugh everyday. He is also very independent so some stuff does take a little longer allowing him to do it by himself, I also know it is important to let him. John Thomas is such a blessing to Tommy and I. We are praying God will bless us with more little kids soon. Until then this man gets all our attention :)
I love this picture!
Our good friends, Brett, Jamie and Eli, moved from Iowa to about two from us this summer. The last time the boys were together they were about 4months old (JT) and 10months old (Eli). We are so excited to have them closer!!
The boys exploring the police station.
The boys got to watch the helicopter land and sit in it
JT’s favorite babysitter, Alyssa.
JT and his friend, Cole. We took the boys to the water park, unfortunately we do not have any pictures because we were in the water the whole time :)
Kennedy and I got some one on one time :)
Long walk through the woods, good for the soul
JT likes to take showers, like mommy and daddy,
but he still usually wants to finish with a bath too.
JT gets the say cheese (with a raisin in his mouth) part just not look at the camera part.
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