I know I sound like every parent but i can not believe John Thomas is three! He is definitely growing up. He looks and acts like a big boy now.
Some of John Thomas’ favorite things
- Dinosaurs!! He loves to play with dinosaurs, he loves to pretend he is a dinosaur, he loves cartoons/movies with dinosaurs, he loves to pretend his food is a dinosaur flying into his mouth.
- Other animals that are a second to dinosaur include dragons,spiders and dogs. He crawls around the house growling and I never know if he is a dinosaur, dragon or spider (dog is easy because he barks:). They are always scary and he wants you to run away from him. If he is a dog he does tricks and gets treats.
- He has been to a few movies and does a great job sitting through them, his favorite movie is Finding Nemo. I recently bought him the Land Before Time, a dinosaur movie from when I was growing up, and we snuggled on the couch watching it together. I was completely happy.
-He is going to preschool two days a week from 9-11:30 and loves it. We never have a problem dropping him off, he runs in, gives me a kiss and starts playing. I love picking him up and seeing all the two year olds lined up with their backpacks on. So sweet!
-JT goes to bed around 9 and wakes up between 7:30-8, takes an 1.5 to 2 hour nap everyday.
- He is a decent eater. Doesn’t eat a lot but I feel I feed him healthy foods, he has still yet to eat meat. I truly believe it is one of the reasons he never gets sick. He has never taken an antibiotic and only had two colds (that required dr visits) since has been born.
- He says the funniest things! When he goes potty he tells his pee “Pee I’m going to put you with your friend water” “poop I’m going to put you with your friend pee” then he flushes the toilet and says “Bye pee/poop, hope you like your new home” so funny! The other day he was being a dinosaur and I told him it was time to potty and he said he couldn’t because dinosaurs don’t have a penis. Ha I had to think about it and I’ve never seen a penis on a dinosaur either
- He will not let you call him a baby. If he is crying and I say it’s ok baby while crying he says I big boy not baby. Sometimes he says baby is in your belly, I big boy. I will even call him little man and he says I big man.
- He is very aware of emotions. If I keep asking him to do something (sit still while I get you dressed, a big struggle) he can tell when I am starting to get annoyed and he will say Mommy don’t be mad at me.
- He is all boy. Loves playing got you (tag), hide and seek, he’s sees monster or dinosaurs or dragons that we have to run and hide from. Every day when Daddy comes home he yells hide, hide and makes Daddy come find him. Which is supper easy because 1. he goes to the same spot everyday 2. he giggles 3. Tommy will say where’s JT and he says “right here” it’s really cute
I love love love being a mom to John Thomas. I am so thankful that I am able to spend so much time with him. Tommy is a great dad! I am so thankful that I married a man that loves and desires to spend time with his children. We are blessed
A few pictures from his birthday, birthday party is today!
John Thomas woke up on his birthday to balloons, a donut (I think his first one ever, he called it cake), candles and presents
I picked him up from school and took him out to lunch. He requested chip restaurant (Mexican) and he got a birthday treat.
I let him also pick what he wanted to do that night, movies or bounce house. Bounce house it was. Unfortunately Tommy had an away ballgame so it was just JT and I but we had a blast.
A couple pictures from earlier in the week
Paw Paw came for a short visit, JT and Paw Paw at the Flyers basketball game
We found out the sex of the baby!!! I will see my mom and sisters this coming weekend then we are announcing to everyone
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