Mother’s day celebration began on Friday, John Thomas’ pre school hosted a Mothers Tea for all moms. The teachers had all the kids make a card, poster and plate for the mothers. It was really sweet. My first handmade keepsake from John Thomas, really special.
He did show me on the plate where he put my favorite color (yellow) and his favorite color (orange) in the middle and Daddy’s favorite color (red) next to us. He loves knowing everyone favorite colors and finding them throughout the day.
We also had princess crowns. He didn’t want me to wear it much Friday but all day Sunday he would ask me where it was and to put it on
Mother’s Day was a nice but tough day. Saturday night I was up most of the night with my back and hips hurting. I could tell the baby dropped over night when I got up the next morning.
Francis was due on Mother’s day last year (May 12) so I think Mother’s Day will always be a little tough. I am very thankful to be less than a month to meeting our new baby but my heart is still hurts thinking about Francis and having a one year old. No one else remembers the dates like a mom does so it makes it tougher when you feel like everyone else has forgotten. My eyes have also been opened to all the women that are struggling to get pregnant, have lost children or mother’s. I am so thankful to be a mom but my heart breaks for all the women struggling.
I decided this year I wanted to start a Mother’s Day tradition, when John Thomas woke up that morning I asked him if he wanted to go get donuts and he said “Wow, that’s a really big treat” So cute!
We then went to church and lunch at the Country Club where sadly I didn’t take any pictures. Tommy had to run into work for a few minutes, John Thomas ran around the gym and played basketball
And at almost 3.5 this was the second day this week he refused a nap, we are now on day four of no naps. Just in time for baby;) I was really hoping he would nap until kindergarten!
A few random pictures
This was the beginning of me tracing his body with side walk chalk. I am pretty sure I did at least 20 more traces before I finally told him we had to take a break.
A booster for the university held a dinner to honor the coaches for their hard work and success during NCAA tournament.
Getting his workout in at Crossfit :)
What a precious Mother's Day! Mother's Day is a hard holiday for a lot of people. This year I struggled with it because I long to be a mother but the pieces have not come together yet. It is hard to see everywhere you go they are celebrating mothers. I love being an aunt but it can never replace being a mother.