Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Play

John Thomas had his first Christmas play last week. It was so cute! Thankfully, Tommy was at home and was able to attend. There something about seeing your child get up on stage and sing and dance in front of a room full of people that makes you SO proud! It actually brought tears to my eyes. It was one of those surreal moments where you realize you are a parent. He did great. His class sang two songs and he sang and danced (did the movements) to the songs.

The first song they did was the Dancing Christmas Tree and they all wore Christmas trees on their head. Then they “sang” (along with a tape) Away in a Manager.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Random, Catch up post

I am inside all day with a snow day and a sick boy. I pride myself in how few times John Thomas has been sick (never taken antibiotics but has been on steroids once) it breaks my heart to see him sick but there is something so great about him wanting to curl up and sleep on me all day. Anyway, perfect day to catch up on here.

Beginning of November I finally decided to potty train. I heard all these horror stories about potty training so I kept postponing. However, it was fairly easy! He had a couple accidents the second day and that was it! We stayed home Friday afternoon-Sunday and he went back to school on Monday and playcare at the gym that night with no accidents! He had a chart that he put a sticker on every time he used the potty and it worked like a charm! Sunday night Tommy and I took him to the pet store to get a fish as his big boy prize. He, of course, named the fish Dinosaur Fishy. We have had a couple accidents here and there but overall I am amazed at how easy it was:) I am sure this is a plus to waiting so long, he will be 3 the end of January.

Dinosaur Fishy being moved to his new home

2013-11-11 08.47.34

2013-11-11 11.46.28 

Basketball season has started. Dayton is ranked 25th. YAY!!

2013-11-13 18.39.38 2013-11-16 13.28.20

This makes me laugh! Just eating a little popcorn:) JT has absolutely zero interest in basketball. He likes Rudy (the mascot), popcorn and playing the ipad.


Tommy had a basketball tournament in Hawaii over Thanksgiving which unfortunately JT and I were not able to go on so we did the next best thing – spent a week in Alabama

2013-11-23 13.12.02On the plane to Alabama 

2013-11-23 13.20.10 

Paw Paw was moving a newborn calf and the boys got to pet her. She was only about 45mins old!2013-11-25 10.08.21 


While in Alabama we celebrated one year since I had Francis. I could  never imagined what all I would go through in the next year. I can’t wait for the day to hold her in my arms again.2013-11-25 20.45.42

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All the kids – JT, Gavin, Seth, Jackson. Cole and Molli Kate. I loved getting together with my sisters and some of our best friends and watching all the kids play.2013-11-25 20.52.43

Boys having fun! Baths before going to the movies to see Frozen!2013-11-26 17.35.42 2013-11-26 17.36.04

JT and Aunt Mandy

2013-11-29 18.14.03

2013-11-29 19.31.44I managed not to get one picture with my family or pictures of JT with anyone! I wish I was better about taking pictures, especially on Thanksgiving day.

John Thomas did manage to capture this one picture of himself. I was impressed! 2013-11-29 21.14.09


One final picture in case my husband wins the battle and cuts his perfect curly hair2013-12-06 13.34.01