Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dinosaurs and Sunflowers

John Thomas loves Dinosaurs (and dragons)! We took him to see Discover the Dinosaurs last weekend and he is still asking to go back to see the dinosaurs.

2013-09-15 11.32.30For some reason John Thomas believes dinosaurs will bite your finger. This is the first dinosaur we saw so he was seeing if he would bite his finger.

Dinosaur biting Daddy’s finger too.2013-09-15 11.43.45 

Uncovering dinosaur bones.2013-09-15 11.45.42

Looking at this picture made me wonder, when did my baby get so big?  I know he is a toddler but how are his legs hanging half way down my body?!

2013-09-15 11.48.12


Riding the dinosaur 

2013-09-15 12.03.44  2013-09-15 12.42.42 2013-09-15 12.44.43 

From dinosaurs to sunflowers……

There is a big field of sunflowers close to our house. I took JT and Kennedy out to the field to get a few pictures and let them run around. While we were there I saw several pictures being made, newborn, homecoming pictures and I’m guessing Christmas cards because little kids were in dresses and button ups. I did not plan that well, we were just there to play and use my iphone camera

2013-09-20 12.15.11

2013-09-20 12.08.22 2013-09-20 12.08.35 2013-09-20 12.10.16 2013-09-20 12.15.27 2013-09-20 12.15.40 2013-09-20 12.17.09-1

My attempt to get a good picture. John Thomas, smile and say cheese.2013-09-20 12.17.34


Ok, this time look up and say cheese

2013-09-20 12.17.37

haha, love this little boy!

of course, John Thomas found this rock pile next to the huge field of flowers and was more interested in it.

2013-09-20 12.12.40

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