Saturday, March 31, 2012


Last weekend my husband left on Thursday for a long weekend in Minneapolis to visit his son and family. The day before I had taken John Thomas to the dr. and they said he had croup. Tommy leaves Thursday morning and by 11am JT fever was 101.  This is when it is REALLY hard not having family anywhere close to you! My child was so sick, husband out of town and no family. Two morning in a row of making your first cup of coffee at 4:15am makes for a very long weekend. We were at the dr's Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Friday. After running several test on JT (rsv, flu, blood work and chest xrays) he seemed to just have a really bad virus, keeping his temperature around 103 all weekend, and an ear infection. Poor JT lost almost 2lbs over from Wednesday to Monday. It was so sad seeing him so pitiful!
 How I spent the weekend. My sick baby sleeping on me.

Breathing treatments :(

Thankfully he is back to himself and I survived too!
He LOVED these little rides..... as long as they were off! haha 
We put money in them and they started moving, he cried and wanted off. I am sure one day they will be more fun moving, I will just save my quarters until then :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Injury and new finds

So I have my first injury during marathon training - a shin splint. I have not ran since Wednesday and now it is Sunday and I am going crazy! I should have ran 10 yesterday and 20 today. Instead I am spending an hour and a half on the elliptical (each day) and massaging and RICE. (rest, ice, compression and elevation) Next week was suppose to be a slow week so hopefully I will be better next week and can just flip flop my weeks. I am praying for this to heal, quickly! :) I know rest is what my body needs but it is so hard to listen sometimes. I were these amazing compression sleeves around the house ALL the time. My husband loves how good I look in them ;) If you are doing any kind of long distance training these have helped my recovery so much!

New Finds

I tried a new recipe 

The recipes calls for vanilla protein powder but I did not have any so mine are chocolate - chocolate is always better anyway, right? I tried one right when they came out the oven - just ok. Next morning - much better! I have learned protein powder cooked is not good hot out of the oven like other food. 

Dashing Dish is a great website! She has lots of great recipes, workouts and devotionals! Read her
 my story, I found it very motivational!

I have just started listening to podcast. I don't know why I never have before! They keep my interest the whole time I am working out, on long runs (or the elliptical) I can get tired of music so these have been great for me. There are so many free ones on ITunes. Find something you are interested and they probably have a podcast about it! I have been listening to Jillian Michaels.

It is warming up here in Ohio! YAY!
 So we got to go shopping for John Thomas new clothes!!

Modeling a couple of new outfits
How cute are those little Nikes?!

My Handsome Boy! 
I'm in love :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 I had a cut back week so my long run was a half marathon. It was cold and there were snow flurries but I had a good run! It was by myself. My pace was 8:54. If I can keep that for a full I would break 4 hours. Keep training and praying :)

Longest run so far. 19 miles at 8:45 pace!
It was a nice day and I ran with the Up and Running Group again. I felt good the entire run. I really believe fueling during you run is the key! I love GU. I follwed up the 19 mile run with 9 the next day. It was tough! Pace was much slower - 9:08. This weekend I have 10 mile and 20 mile run. 
Wish me luck!

I haven't lost any weight like I was hoping but my clothes still fit good so lets hope it's muscle :) My last (and only) marathon I gained 5 lbs during training so I'm really trying not to let that happen again. It's easy to think you can eat whatever since you just ran for almost Three Hours!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Standing, Traveling and Hiding

Big news in our life, on leap day, John Thomas decided to stand on his own! He is SO proud of himself. He will stand with the biggest smile on his face looking around to make sure everyone is paying attention to what he is doing. It is so cute. I teach a group fitness class twice a week where probably 80% of the participants are teachers. We usually all get there 30minutes early to set up. They all crowd around JT and make him believe his is king of the world and I sit back and try to do as little as possible :)  He came in the first day ready to show off. He stood up by himself and looked around with the biggest smile on his face while probably15 women gathered around clapping for him. He could not have been happier! We joked that we are spoiling him and he is going to expect women to clap at his every move for the rest of his life :) But it is really cute and these women are great!!! I love teaching my classes and the people I get to meet because of what I do!

We broke curfew and went to a couple of daddy's basketball games.

JT appreciates having his own seat. Such a big boy!

The handsome men in my life!

Tommy had some away games this past week and JT decided he wanted to go with daddy

In daddy's suitcase.

John Thomas also enjoys throwing things and likes nothing in his crib. As soon as he wakes you better go get him or this is what you find
 Both blankets have been thrown out of the crib, socks taken off thrown out
 and pants taken off thrown out.

JT is becoming very fast and likes getting into everything!! Which I know will only increase when he starts walking. I was in the kitchen and I heard JT screaming. I go in the living room, where I left him, did not see him anywhere. Then the slight panic starts to come over you, which I'm sure all moms can relate to. Check the stairs but babygate is up (Thank you God) go to the dining room can't find him, still here him screaming so I go back to the living room.....
Can you find JT
In the entertainment center!

This little guy keeps me on my toes. He is such a blessing!!! 
I have been meeting with a friend every week and we are reading Power of a Praying Parent. I highly recommend to all of you that have kids. I believe it is the most important thing we can do as parents, to pray for our children life. And what a better feeling to know that your not in charge and God is! Takes a lot of pressure off of being a parent :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Gaining weight

Someone seems to have put on some weight in the past few months

Our first run together - June 2011

Our run this week together - February 2012

It is completely crazy to me how much this child has grown in the past few months!


Earlier this week was IHOP national pancake day! I did not make a trip to IHOP but I did make pancakes for breakfast. Here are some recipes for good, healthy and filling pancakes! I love, love pancakes but usually I'm hungry an hour later and all these pancakes are high protein so they keep you full all morning! Yay!

PB Fingers - This girl has a lot of great recipes plus she is super cute and has a fun blog. The banana        protein pancakes are my favortie so far.

Tone It Up - Here again two super cute girls. They have lots of great workouts posted and inspirational stories.

Oxygen magazine - Great magazine for nutrition and workouts

Carrots "N" Cake  - I just found this blog and she has a lot of great info. I really like these pancakes too

So now you can go enjoy some healthy, filling pancakes!